Global Neurology Flexible Residency
The UCSF Global Neurology Flexible Residency track facilitates a robust educational experience for residents interested in developing tools for a successful, productive career in global health. The flexible residency allows residents to dedicate six months of protected time for an in-depth global neurology experience combining hands-on, in-country training and a formal global health curriculum. Residents can cultivate skills in diverse areas of global health, including capacity building, neurology training and education, research, and clinical care.
As part of a global neurology flexible residency, residents will be able to leverage the wealth of resources available through the UCSF global health community, including the UCSF Institute for Global Health Sciences. As part of the six-month global neurology flexible residency, residents will develop a scholarly project in conjunction with global partner site mentors and collaborators and co-led by LMIC nationals. Projects will be evaluated on demonstration of sustainability and equal and fair partnership with the LMIC site.